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Traveling in Mauritania
I think it's important to read this section before you embark on a trip to Mauritania.
The most important thing: Mauritania consists of ¾ desert.
Then: Mauritania is one of the poorer countries on earth.
It already starts in the capital. You are staying in a 4**** hotel with every comfort and possibly even a swimming pool, but it is not certain that the road to the hotel is paved.
Mauritania does not (yet) have a hotel network. Hotels that meet European standards can be found in Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Atar and Zérouate. It is rather difficult if not impossible for you to do a round trip without sleeping here and there in tents or campements.
campement means permanently installed tent city. With beds in the tents, with tents you can stand in, with a central wet room.
Restaurants where you can have a cup of coffee or even something to eat can only be found in Nouakchott. Otherwise you drive mile after mile and look in vain for a cup of coffee. Unless you are equipped yourself.
Today, Mauritania is considered a safe and stable country in terms of the travel recommendations of the EDA (German Foreign Office).
Under the link below you will find a very good analysis of the situation in the country. My three trips to the country now fully confirm the statements in the article. Mauritanians are proud to be Mauritanians and meet us strangers with interested reserve.
group size
There are no recommendations that specify anything. We are able to handle trips in the country from one person to - depending on the object - (e.g. rallies) several hundred people. A small number of participants is certainly advantageous for the experience of nature. This also applies to the study trip. The rule applies that there is always room for three people in a car. Plus the driver.
weather / travel time
Mauritania belongs predominantly to the Sahara. Therefore dominates in which
West African State a dry and hot desert climate, whereby
three climate zones can be distinguished:
Along the coast from Nouakchott northwards to Nouadibou prevails
reasonably temperate climate. The Canary Current which is cool all year round
Water has made itself felt. Temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees
during the day and all year round, there is precipitation only in the months of August and
High temperatures also mark the Coast south of the capitalt and the region along the Senegal River. In January the thermometer shows mean values of only 20-24°C, but in July extremely hot 30-34°C. Humidity is also high year-round, making it feel like the heat is even greater.The rainy season lasts in this zone from July to October and brings up to 400mm of precipitation in total.
Das Interior of Mauritania ist all year round dry and very hot.The prevailing there desert climate is also characterized by large temperature fluctuations between day and night of up to 40°C. Daytime temperatures of up to 50°C in summer and nighttime temperatures of just 10°C in winter are nothing unusual. Rainfall in this region, if any, only falls in winter and rarely exceeds 100 mm per year.
From April the dry-hot one also blows in Mauritania harmattan.
travel time
In principle, the period from mid-October to the end of April is a good travel time for trips to Mauritania. The vastness of the landscape is immense. It is therefore quite possible to almost assume that the tourist can sometimes experience a sandstorm.
The special
A journey across Morocco and Western Sahara and further into Mauritania in the Adrar, the Bang Arguim and to Nouakchott can certainly be carried out in summer. It must be exciting to travel along the Route de l éspoir to Nema and back along the banks of the Senegal River in the rainy season. (July / October)
Round trip. Enter
Entry by landmainly takes place via Morocco. A well-developed road leads from Tangier via Agadir and Dakhla to Guerguarat and from here to the border post. Attention: When entering Mauritania, a motor vehicle insurance valid for Mauritania must be obtained at the border
The border crossing to Algeria has also been open for some time. (Tindouf) This is not recommended for tourism purposes.
Entry by air
The central hub is Nouakchott Airport
Air Mauretania (From Paris and Casablanca) The Mauritanian company also offers direct flights to Casablanca from Nouadhibou.
Royal Air Maroc flies direct from Casablanca. They offer good connections with transfers from all European countries.
The same applies to Air France via Paris.
A visa is mandatory to enter Mauritania. The price is 55 euros (as of April 2020) An invitation is required. We are happy to present these. The visa can be obtained directly at the customs office upon entry. It is valid for a period of 30 days.
Basic medical services
I think whoever gets sick in Mauritania can get treatment in the main cities in hospitals and clinics. Good travel insurance, which also includes repatriation, is certainly recommended. Basic medical care is organized outside of the population centers mentioned, but it does not meet the expectations of non-Mauritanians.
We and our organization
We can - and are proud of it - to fall back on a perfect infrastructure when it comes to ON THE ROAD. It is driven with Toyota Highlux. These are in good condition. And since these are present all over the country, the spare parts are available. What is most unlikely to work in sandy soil - the clutch - can be replaced "on the spot".
We guarantee good, varied food.
We are known for extremely flexible and uncomplicated organization.
The writer is the founder of the travel agency Suprateam Travel www.supratravel.comand initiator of the train du désert in Morocco
After almost 30 years Morocco now Mauritania
We work in Mauritania as freelancers with very good knowledge of the local conditions. We are responsible for the contact with our customers. By phone, email, whatsup etc.
We create confirmations and invoices in consultation with Idoumou programs.
We organize and coordinate
And help to find and set up flights.
Our friends from responsible for the organization on site.
The company desert Mauritanie is a limited liability company registered in Mauritania and assumes legal responsibility in this sense.
Study trip Mauritania
Mauritania offers some highlights which can be summarized in a study trip.
The longest train on earth, which is also the heaviest, runs in Mauritania.See video
Fishing, another important economic factor
Chinguetti, the seventh holy place of Islam
Parquet national Bang Arguim, the natural wonder of the Atlantic
The two monoliths of Ben Amira
Come with me, you will - live and he - learn a lot about MAURITANIA
Back to the origin
An expedition to the desert of Mauritania.
For centuries, caravans traversed the Sahara, crossing – von Tomboctou Coming-Mauritania.
A "road" was created on which goods were transported, but which also led to a true transfer of knowledge. Much knowledge was written on manuscripts collected. You emptied and learned at the most important passage places.This expedition offers a return to the origins, wandering in the desert - like back then
Wüste und Wasser
80% of Mauritania consists of desert. 2500km is the coast of the Atlantic and then there is the für the livelihood of the whole country important river. The Senegal.
In January 2020, a first group of travelers experienced these contrasts up close. And was excited.
In 2021 a new such trip will take place.
Le Train du désert
Mauretanien ist bekannt für den schwersten und den längsten Güterzug der Erde
Auf einer 620km langen Strecke verkehren Güterzüge mit 200 Wagen und mit pro Wagen
im Schnitt 90 Tonnen Eisenerz. Hier zwischen diesen riesigen Zügen verkehrt unser Train du désert und verkehrt ebenfalls der Servicezug welcher die Bevölkerung mit allem lebensnotwendigem versorgt. Die riesigen Monolithen von Ben Amira liegen ebenso an der Strecke wie Chinguetti, die siebte heilige Stätte des Islam Eine wirklich einmalige reise erwartet Sie
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